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My name is Stéphane and I could have dedicated this paragraph to my past career, but as said it is passed. I'd rather share my true passion :




If my past career is of interest to you, feel free to ask any questions about it. 


I speak French, English, German and Luxembourgish.


I have always been interested in the human being, its workings, complexities, evolution, limiting beliefs and abilities to bounce back.


I am a Transformational Coach certified and accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a NLP ( The art and science of Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner certified by the International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA), a Therapeutic Hypnosis Practitioner certified by the Psynfinity Training School and a Reiki Therapist.


I am also a student of Mark Wentworth - Founder of Colour for Life. His approach allows me to highlight my skills in behavioural science and the impact of colours on each and everyone of us.


I work in a non-judgemental environment and I am open to all topics of conversation :


  • Personal, couple and family counselling

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Life Transition

  • Professional / Career challenges

  • Stress management

  • LGBTQI + Integration Criteria

  • Living well your sexual identity

  • Overcoming limiting beliefs

  • Public speaking

  • Image and branding


... and many more topics

Stronger Outcome


Stéphane Otzenberger

Thérapeute en Bien-être



Résidence Terra Luna

13 rue Guillaume de Machault

L-2111 Luxembourg Merl

Téléphone 00 352 691 320 051





Lundi - Vendredi 

de 12:00 à 21:00

Samedi de 10:00 à 16:00

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